Entries by Elizabeth Wozniak

#MuslimBan: Like it or not, Canada is in this rodeo.

Last week, in a small but symbolic gesture, Canada seemed to align with the US on the reopening of the NAFTA. I was disappointed that we didn’t stand with Mexico and criticize the rhetoric coming from the US on an agreement that no one seemed to be seriously questioning before the US election cycle. But […]


Changes to Express Entry: 200 is the new 600. Points, that is.

Today, IRCC implements the new Ministerial Instructions for Express Entry. So just like that, the playing field changes, the path to PR shifts and applicants must adapt to the new points allocations. As mentioned in this Walrus article, this could make it easier for employer-specific, LMIA-exempt work permit holders to compete for permanent residence. While not earth-shattering, this […]

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Come to Canada and bring Hawaii please

The night of the US election, before the results were fully in, I tweeted this: Dear US friends: if this is actually happening, please come to Canada. And bring Hawaii. #Vote2016 #USElection2016 I was kidding of course. (Well actually, not the part about Hawaii. Canada has always needed a tropical province where we can drink […]


Immigration Whiskey Tango Foxtrots Part 2: The [not so] wonderful wizards of IRCC

Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has an uncanny way of implementing systems meant to simplify things – that end up obscuring the process and driving applicants bananas. It’s so irksome (or IRCC-some? HA!) Crummy puns aside, this system and process can be incredibly stressful. People’s lives and futures depend on the information IRCC has […]

NS: a little less conversation, a little more immigration

Nova Scotia tends to punch above its weight when it comes to national news stories, and the topic of immigration is no exception. #cbiftrumpwins took the Internet by storm earlier this year and is going to be a running joke for a while, if not a real solution if he seriously actually wins. And this […]